If you work in tech, you are familiar with this scenario. It’s demo day, the day to show off how awesome your tech is, you’ve rehearsed, tested, and even made back up plans, all to have a stellar performance.
But… no demo day is safe from the unexpected. (Which, host demos long enough and you start to believe a good solid demo is when the system comes completely down.)
But, without fail, the unexpected happens - Buffering, Error 404 pages, bad demo data, system just goes down, the internet goes out, or your computer magically decides at that very moment “it’s time for an update.” Our dog, zeke, even laid on the power strip one time and shut the entire Jones house down, internet, router, computer, everything!
These experiences have led me to this fateful moment in our Opening Day. Picture this, I’m standing in the backseat passenger door way of the truck, laptop connected to my cell phone’s hotspot, I’m logging in to our square sales system to launch our store “ready to accept orders!”
I proceed to power button on the square terminal and it says “Installing updates.” Panic sets in. How long is this update? It’s go time and now it wants to update?! This is our moment to shine! We’ve tested and rehearsed this exact scenario for months and now it’s got updates to do?! Like right now?! Sure, I hit the defer till tonight button - but it obviously did not listen!
Good thing I brought a trusty backup… pen, paper, and some rusty math skills. (And that dreaded cash box, josh harassed me about.)
In the end, it finished its updates after what seemed like 7 minutes of torture. We opened on time and with a fully updated square sales system!