The silverware drawer is where left over ketchup, honey mustard, soy sauce, etc. packets went to die. I would hoard these packets for a while, until the drawer was overflowing and then would throw them away. I grew tired of this “maybe one day I’ll use them” method and graduated to the “don’t bring them home and just toss them in the trash” method. Yes, if Chick-fil-A hooked this girl up with 10 honey mustards; I would eat one and toss the other 9 out with the food wrappers. Until… I learned how much they are! Sheesh! Each wrapper the food comes in $. The small containers of condiments $$. The actual bag that all the food is in $$$. My mind is blown. I have a new found appreciation for all food packaging. The plastic thank you bags that food typically comes in $.08; the paper grocery bags $.35 a bag! I will no longer be throwing away the ketchup, honey mustard, soy sauce, the grocery bags… ever! So if you receive a gift of small packaged condiments in a $.35 paper bag from me; you’re welcome for your bougie, high end food gift!